Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Healthy-ish fish stew

Fish soup or stew is one of my favorite things to eat. Normally filled with lovely ingredients like white wine, full cream, fresh fish and veggies. Yesterday was a Tuesday and the luxury had to be somewhat moderated. I was inspired by an Swedish cookbook I got for Christmas years ago "Sinnernas Mat" - that could be translated as "Food for the senses". The introduction text for this dish was : Do you want to feel healthiest -eat more fish. Simple, to the point, and most likely true. Either way, to the making, for 2 hungry people:

Marinate about 150-200 gram of fresh fish fillet per person in the zest and juice of one lime and a hand full each of chopped dill and chives. And some salt. Let it sit for at least an hour. Here you can chose to either use the whole filets or chop up to fish soup pieces. 

Get ready to start cooking! In some olive oil, lightly fry 150 g of fresh champignons(cut in half) and one finely chopped zucchini. Salt and pepper to taste. Take of the heat while still crunchy.

Chop up one charlotte onion and one clove of garlic. And one red pepper, in thin slices.  Gently fry in olive oil on low temp until nice and soft. Then add your dairy products. As always, you can use almost any you like here. I used 1 dl of  cream fraiche and 1 dl of half cream. Add a nice fish stock to taste. And some extra chives if you are in the mood. Gently boil under lid for about 4-5 min.

Add your fish, your zucchini and mushrooms and gently heat for a few minutes til fish is ready. Top off with more dill and some prawns if you want.

Enjoy with some fresh bread (my <3 did) or some steamed Quinoa (I did). And maybe a glass of wine. The lime in the stew gives a nice acid so really, no wine is needed to add to the recipe.

Enjoy! Cooking makes me so happy!

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