Sunday, September 4, 2011

Charity day at Airyoga

Happy Sunday! Today Airyoga hosted a charity event in favor of the organization Tischlein deck Dish. They work to redistrubute food and resources across Swizterland, an admirable mission!

For more info, see

I was planing on taking 2 classes but considering that I am starting my new job tomorrow it felt a bit stressful and overambitious - and as we all know, yoga is not about that. I did the Ashtanga class at 3 pm with a great instructor called Charia. I am quite new to Asthanga but this class got me really motivated to get serious about it. The teacher said that a minimum of 3 times a week is recommended to see the positive benefits of the practice. I decided to give this a fair chance and will try for the month of September - the first series. Does anyone have a good yourtube recommendation for the 1st series? Or a DVD for later?

Every yoga class changes you and makes you grow. You are never the same person when you come into a class as when you walk out. At a yoga convention in Hong Kong I got a promotional T-shirt that said "Do your practice and everything will come to you". Indeed.

Love and namaste

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sara,
    I own the Ashtanga Yoga by Mark Darby and Nicole Bordeleau. Primary Series. It's really intense but it has modifications for new practitioners. It is not a workout video at all, it's really intense... but take your time, don't be over ambitious with this one. Believe me, once the seed has been planted, your practice will grow and blossom. When I started this DVD I did the whole thing once and didn't pick it up again for a whole week! :)
    Be patient... I send you lots of love. xoxo
