Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Looking for Sara...

After some weeks of creative dryspell, contemplating on life and getting organized I can not wait to start bloging again. Love, S

Picture borrowed from

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Do you guys know of Marie Folero? I simply adore her and her approach.
In the youtube clip below she talks about NNTs, daily non-negotiable activities. For ex. green juices, meditation or similar. I also really enjoyed reading the comments below.

My NNTs are currently:
1. Morning and evening yoga (minimum is one sun salutation on each side, and I do more if I feel like it and nothing more if I dont)
2. Evening meditations from Gabrielle Bernstein

On a weekly level its def. complete sunday grooming incuding body scrub, facial mask and hair mask.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Green Blue smoothie

Very improvised smoothie - 1 organic banana, some frozen blueberries (1/2 dl maybe?), one handful organic spinach and a splash of orange-passion juice. Blend and enjoy. It was actually supergood! Missing the sun today, so here is also a picture from last week.

Sweet dreams

Good Morning

Baking night

Lemon drizzle cake and healthier chocolate cupcakes with blueberries and raw cacoa nibs. Recipie to follow tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Homemade ice tea

This is so simple! Depending on when you plan to drink it, chose your favorite bag green or herbal tea ( I like green in the morning and herbal for after 3-4ish in the afternoon).

Just boil one liter of water, brew with your teabag of choice and let cool off. Add fresh ginger, lemon or fresh mint according to taste. Let cool in the fridge overnight and enjoy the following day. In the summer addig ice cubes would be a nice touch but now in wintertime its really not necessary. Keep green and hydrated, enjoy!

Herbal teas are a great way to keep hydrated.

For the kitchen?

I am looking for 1-2 good pictures to frame and put on my kitchen wall. My kitchen style is kind of cosy, colourful and bohemian chic. Maybe this one?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Wedding inspo

2 of my dearest girlfriends are getting married next year. I will start to collect some wedding inspo in here. I love this scene from pinterest!

Good Morning

Monday, November 7, 2011

Banana bread cupcakes by Eat Live Run

I just found this cosy blog Eat Live Run and this recipie for the genious concept Banana Bread Cupcakes. I really enjoyed reading the introduction how this recipie came up 7.30 in the morning from a major craving for banana bread and frosting. And how it was made sipping Earl Grey tea in pajamas pants and leopard slippers.

Always rememeber

Monday breakfast

Monday! For breakfast today I had swedish oatmeal with extra fibre, some organic yoghurt and quark ( I like to mix since Quark contains alot of proteins), swedish lingonberry jam from IKEA and coffee with organic milk. Ready to start the day!

Body Shape at Holmes Place

Today I tried a new class at Holmes Place Jelmoli - Body Shape followed by 20 minutes running.

Its been 2 weeks that I havnt been able to work out because of a classical pre-winter cold.

The class was great for legs and abs, I think my triceps will be shaking tomorrow!

I worked out in my favorite Lulu Lemon top, the Y power in my favorite colour White.

Beautiful on the way to the gym...

Sunday dinner

A simple, healthy and asian-inspired meal perfect after hiking and alot of Swiss cheese and wine.

For this, prepare 1 pack of glas nudles accordning to the instruction on the package. Wash some organic spinach and other green leafs (remeber to rotate your intake of green leafs!). Slice up an avocado and one mango. Chop up some cilantro.

Mix up a fast dressing with some oil, lime juice, red chili and japanese soy. Toss with the salad.

Stir-fry some prawns and serve! Dinner is ready in 15 minutes max! To sprikle some organic mix seeds is a nice touch.

Hiking Uetliberg

This is already the second post about Uetliberg in the hiking category. Since its so easy to access, close to the city and able to present some beautiful views its already one of my Zürich favorites.

To get to the peak, take the S12 for gleis 2 at HB. It departs 05 and 35 each hour. The plan we had yesterday was to hike 2-3 hours in total with a lunch break. This was accomplished and we decided to end the hike in Thalwil which was perfect to get back to Zürich Enge in only 10 minutes.

Now is really the perfect hiking season for this hight and its just perfect for a sunday. No need to get up early to travel hours to get up in the mountains and easy to get home.

Lily Power

For me, fresh flowers is one of the most important things to make a house a home. They simply makes me happy and calm.

I always keep fresh flowers in the house and for that reason, I cant always get them at the fancy flower shops at Globus or Parade Platz as I would wish. I constantly look for good budget options. For lilies, there is def. a great one at Migros - 5 BEAUTIFUL lilies for 8.90 CHF.

To best take care of your lilies, give them a fresh cut and add the flower nutrition to water around 30 degrees.

I got these beauties a week ago and still this powerful. And makes the house smell so nice!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Hiking Uetliberg

More to follow tomorrow.

Green breakfast smoothie

Today I went for an improvised breakfast green smoothie. For 2 glasses blend one mango, 1 banana, 1 handful of organic spinach, 1 kiwi and water accordning to taste. Its nice if the fruits has been in the fridge over night prior to blending. Enjoy!

Friday, November 4, 2011

How it has to be

Ginger carrot cupcakes

Whisk 2 organic eggs and 1 dl of organic sugar. Mix 1,5 dl of organic flour and 1.5 teaspoon baking powder, 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, cardemom, and dried ginger in a separate bowl. mix togeather. Grate 2 large organic carots and add and 30 gram organic melted butter. Fill 12 small cup cake forms to 3/4 add bake off in 175 degrees in 12-15 minutes.

Let them cool off and while waiting make the frosting: 100 gram Philadelphia (full fat!), the juice and zest of one organic lemon and vanilla sugar to taste (I used about 10 grams). Blend and top the cupcakes nicely and decorate accordning to taste.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Champagne - Balance!

Green rocket hommus

Great to serve with a soup dinner. For this recipie (very improvised) I let half a package of chick peas (250 grams) soak in cold water over night and the next day boiled for 1 hour or so. Once cold, I mixed with 2 handfuls of rocket salad, a generous drizzle of oilve oil, sea salt and pepper. Add some water if still too thick. To serve with full grain crackers or simlpy veggies. Enjoy! I love the idea that a hommus gets some nice green colour since its apperance is quite boring normally.

A new favorite to my daily blogs.
Found this romantic tray from there from the blog crafty home. CUTE


Mixed the leftover of the vanilla kiwi green smoothie with some fresh orange juice (perfect!).

A green smoothie is best freshly made but you can also save it for a while in your fridge. Swedish knackebrod from IKEA (multigrain, they are yummy!) with cottage cheese (great source of proteins) and sliced cherry tomatoes with herbal salt and pepper and a biig cup of Kusmi tea.

Bathroom inspo

I love the flowers and the wodden tray.

Vanilla Kiwi

Tried another smoothie from Kristins Raw Vegan Smoothies.

Blend 3 kiwis, 1 handful of organic spinach, 1 banana and the seeds from one vanilla bean with one cup of water. The original recipie calls for ice but i didnt have any. Instead, we put the smoothie into the freezer for a while. The glasses where all icy and nice once served. Very good but next time I will change one of the 3 green kiwis for one yellow for a bit more sweetness.

Smoothie Love

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Lime smoothie

Buhu this was not my favorite. However super good for you. Mix a handful of spinach with 1 cup of water and the zest and juice of one lime. Add sweetener (Stevia for ex) to taste. Low on carbs and calories so perfect for the evening. Smoothie Love

Arboratorium Enge

Breakfast pancakes by Green Kitchen Stories

The first green food blog I ever followed was green kitchen stories. Lovely name - lovely blog.
I have been wanting to try these breakfast pancakes since forever and maybe it would be a good idea to celebrate my new kitchen this weekend.

Globus Christmas

You know how department stores can be hopelessly boring or just amazingly inspiering and bring you the feeling that you enter another world? Globus is a great exemple of the later. I could just spent hours (and litterary all of my money) in there. Especially now before Christmas time, the home decoration department is just truely a magical place to be. More on this to follow!

Home Goddess

Alot of reading today. Basically I am crazy for books. I obsesivelly collect cookbooks, read love stories, chic lit, classics and criminal stories all the time and can never not buy a nice girly coffee table book when I see one. Another favorite is The Goddess Experience by Gisele Scanlon that I picked up at Urban Outfitters a few years ago. Its the follow up to her lovely The Goddess Guide that I also absolutely adore.

One of the chapters decribes different type of Godess-es, quite entertaining. Though I dont believe that everyone is just one type, I could def. find my type quite easy - Home Goddess:

She is a home bird, who pride herself on a beautifully kept nest box. She'll churn out scones in the morning and cupcakes for tea, even when there are a million other things to do. The home goddess is always on the lookout for little things to make her nest more special, is never seen without a notebook to keep notes on different food she found and she just adores little teacups and flowers. Her treats is beautiful baths, beautiful flowers and beautiful candles. Her nest is all fresh linen, sparkling surfaces and hotel deluxe.

Oh I simply adore the text. This is so me and my home I am building up.

What would Audrey do?

Reading of the day togeather with my new lovely scented candle from Crabtree & Evelyn (lemon & basil). Focusing and resting and trying to get better from my cold.